
Hello! I’m Jon Brogan, and I’m excited to share my journey with you. Over the years I’ve worn various ‘hats’ and embraced new challenges.

My IT journey started before I even finished school. I started creating websites for friends and gaming groups back in the early 2000s.

At the age of 18, I entered the world of self-employment, working as a website developer and marketing consultant for small businesses.

By the time I turned 21, I realised that my true passion in IT extended beyond web design. I took a career jump and began an advanced apprenticeship in ICT systems and networking, completing three years’ worth of qualifications in just one year. This included a six-month work experience placement in a secondary school.

My work experience placement complete, I continued to work at the school 35 hours a week voluntariliy while I sought the right career. During this time I helped redesign the school website (I couldn’t seem to escape web design!) and implemented a modern Linux based CCTV solution to replace the antiquated existing system.

Soon after, I was asked to step in as a temporary Network Manager at a nearby secondary school, tasking with replacing their failing servers. I accepted the challenge, crafting a proposal, gathering supplier quotes, and spearheading a project to overhaul the entire school’s IT infrastructure. The project completely revolutionised the network, without any “in hours” downtime or loss of data.

Following the successful project, I was offered a position by the company that provided the server hardware and networking support. I worked as a Systems Engineer, collaborating with schools in Kent on network replacement projects and helped them to implement new technologies.

A year later I left on good terms, and the company owner supported me in arranging meetings with their business clients as I embarked on a career in Internet Marketing Consultancy. My business took off quickly, gaining multiple large clients within the first month of operation. These relationships developed over years of successful profitable collaboration.

Life then took me in a new direction, prompting me to apply for a role as Senior ICT Technician back at the school where I had my apprenticeship work placement. It brought me back to the rewarding world of full-time work within an organisation that ‘felt like home’.

After working at the school for a few years, many nearby schools suffered ransomware attacks and I recognised the growing need for a proactive approach to cybersecurity. In response, I proposed and gained an additional role as the Information Security Officer, a practically unheard of role in the education sector.

In just a year, I helped the school acheive compliance with regulatory cybersecurity standards and established a comprehensive cybersecurity training program, complete with simulated phishing tests and regular training sessions. The school’s cybersecurity posture was revolutionised and became an ongoing discussion point across the staff.

My journey doesn’t stop here. Today, I’m actively driving the school towards ISO 27001 compliance and nurturing within the school staff a robust security culture.

My commitment to cybersecurity and my passion for empowering others in this field continues to drive my professional growth.

Currently I am pursuing a degree in Cybersecurity with The Open University, and I am concurrently working toward obtaining certificiation as a CCNA, CC DevNet Associate and CC CyberOps Associate and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH). I am dedicated to completing these certifications by 2026, all while maintaining a full-time professional role.